increase in the price of the baguette



Article written by

J. Cholin, A Guin, F. Blevis, V. Lucas, M. Cazaux, B. Geron, V. Gustin-Laville – franceinfo

France Televisions

In France, the price of the baguette is increasing. A new increase which is explained in particular by the surge in the price of a tonne of wheat and poor harvests in some countries.

In a bakery in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine), the price of the traditional baguette has increased by 10 cents, from now on to the price of 1.10 euros. This increase does not go unnoticed by customers. “Before, I paid 95 cents, everything is increasing, it’s quite normal”, explains a client. The increase is assumed by Mohamed Zerzour, manager of the bakery. “We are a little afraid of reflections”, he admits, however.

Like Mohamed Zerzour, many bakery owners will have to increase the prices of their baguette from five to ten cents, in order to compensate for the soaring price of a tonne of wheat, which went from 188.50 euros to 280 euros in the space of ‘one year. Harvests were poor in many parts of the world, such as the American West, Canada and Russia. The other factor justifying the increase in baguette prices concerns energy, such as the price of electricity or gas.

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