increase in the number of people in pharmacies asking for iodine tablets

The phone rings 10 times a day, and that’s not counting the people who come directly to the site“, describes Emilie Lecomte. This pharmacist from Hettange-Grande usually receives only one or two patients every month, looking for a box of iodine tablets. But for February, 8 files have been registered. A direct consequence of the war in Ukraine and the nuclear threat agitated by the Russian president. “There is fear following the announcements of Vladimir Putin“, she confides.

To be taken only in the event of an accident

These drugs were distributed in 2016, within a radius of 10 kilometers around the Cattenom plant. Then in 2019 from 10 to 20 kilometers. Only residents with proof of residence could obtain one at the time. “But many explain that they did not take any at the time or that they lost their boxes.“Except that from now on, Emilie Lecomte can no longer deliver outside the campaigns led by EDFapart from newly settled residents.

These pellets are to be ingested in the event of a nuclear accident and at the request of the authorities and allow protect the thyroid. In Luxembourg too, this phenomenon has recently been observed. So much so that the Ministry of Health of the Grand Duchy reminded that in no case should this drug be taken preventively.

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