Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Renaud Dély.
Reading time: 20 min

The themes :
Faced with the deterioration of public accounts and the slippage of the deficit which reaches 5.5% of GDP in 2023, the government is emphasizing activity and ruling out any tax increase weighing on the middle classes and businesses. But last Wednesday, on TF1, Gabriel Attal has not ruled out taxing the wealthiest. Raising taxes, an idea that is gaining ground, including among the majority.
Each year, the State pays between 10 and 12 billion euros to private establishments. Should we strengthen controls and more strictly regulate the operation of these establishments ? This is the subject of the report of a parliamentary mission on the financing of these establishments, which is submitted this Tuesday. Two million students are spread across 7,500 establishments; isn’t that an explosive subject?
The informed:
Alix Bouilhaguet, political columnist at franceinfo TV
Emmanuel Kessler, political columnist
Find all the news from the morning of Tuesday April 2, 2024: