The president of Medef was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday September 24, 2024.
Reading time: 24 min

Patrick Martin, president of Medef, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday September 24, 2024. Tax increases for businesses, government avenues for making savings, immigration… He answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Taxes: contributions from large companies, “exceptionally”
“If there is to be a surcharge on businesses, it must be very targeted and reasonable in amount.” And “exceptional, that is to say only for 2025”believes Patrick Martin.
The president of Medef reaffirms that his movement is “ready to discuss” of an increase in corporate taxes, without them becoming “the adjustment variables, but if necessary, exceptionally, temporarily, they will be able to make their contributions, but in small proportions”. Patrick Martin details his conditions: “First, the State must make savings”.
Research tax credit: “There is a kind of frenzy over abuses”
While governments are looking to make savings, large companies, the main beneficiaries, fear a possible cut in the Research Tax Credit (CIR): “France must innovate. It is through innovation that we will get out of this. We are not innovating enough. So disconnecting this system or altering it could have dangerous consequences.”warns Patrick Martin.
“There is a kind of frenzy about the abuses that are said to be taking place around the Research Tax Credit, I assure you, I leave it to you to verify that it is the most controlled aid system in France”, he assures.
“We must not prohibit ourselves from using immigrant labor”
While Bruno Retailleau, the new Minister of the Interior, wants “take all means” to do “reduce immigration to France”Patrick Martin affirms that it is not necessary “not to prohibit the use of immigrant labour at all levels of qualification, but in a very regulated and targeted manner”, as is the case in Canada or Portugal.
The president of Medef notes that there is “jobs in demand, for which we must start by better training our young people”. “We must introduce an economic and, above all, demographic dimension into this debate”explains Patrick Martin.