incomprehension of the families following the dismissal


France 2

Article written by

R.Moquillon, G. Caulon, J. Galichet, S. Tuscq-Mounet, B. Bervas – France 2

France Televisions

The families of the victims of the Puisseguin bus accident, which killed 43 people in October 2015, are angry. Justice pronounced a dismissal in the case.

A tribute ceremony took place Saturday, October 23 in Puisseguin (Gironde), six years to the day after the accident. The families of the victims have just learned that justice has just dismissed the case, while recognizing the sole responsibility of the driver of the truck, for excessive speed. He died in the accident, which killed 43 people. In circumstances like we lived it is traumatic“, confides a survivor, who lost his wife.

On October 23, 2015, near Puisseguin, in Gironde, the driver of a truck lost control of his vehicle in a bend. Its trailer hits the front of a bus head-on. The two vehicles burst into flames, leaving little room for the passengers. Miraculously, eight people escaped the flames, including the driver of the bus. The dismissal decision could mean an absence of trial.


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