(Ottawa) Justin Trudeau’s political lieutenant in Quebec, Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez, protests against the comments of Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, who called the mayors of Montreal and Quebec “incompetent.”
In an interview with The PressMr. Rodriguez claims that Pierre Poilievre is importing to the country tactics frequently used by former United States President Donald Trump to attack other elected officials: insults on social networks.
Like the Prime Minister, Mr. Rodriguez says that the leader of the Conservative Party must immediately apologize to the mayors of the two largest cities in Quebec. He also challenges Conservative MPs from Quebec to say unequivocally whether they support or reject their leader’s comments. “They must stop walking along the walls every time their leader comes to say stupid things in Quebec,” said Pablo Rodriguez.
“In Quebec, we have the privilege of having men and women who invest their time and who give of themselves for their community, and I salute their work,” also said the Minister of Transport.

Federal Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez
“On the other hand, there is Pierre Poilievre who comes to insult them, who comes to insult us as Quebecers by saying that you are not capable of managing your cities. By saying this, he insults everyone. Plus, he says he’s the only one with the solution. This is not the first time he has said this. He also did it at the Conservative Party convention in Quebec in September. He is importing a Trump-style policy, a Republican right-wing policy according to which there is nothing that works and personal insults are being thrown around,” explained Mr. Rodriguez.
Our politicians in Quebec, not only are they competent, but they are dedicated, they are close to the people, they are proud Quebecers. Poilievre must retract his comments. This is unacceptable.
Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Transport
On Thursday, the Conservative leader provoked an outcry by calling the mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, and the mayor of Quebec, Bruno Marchand, incompetent due to the significant drop in construction starts in their respective cities.
“Massive drop in construction in Quebec, while Trudeau pays billions to incompetent mayors, Marchand and Plante, who block construction sites. Federal money for cities will be linked to the number of houses and apartments built when I am PM,” Mr. Poilievre said on his X account.
Mayor Valérie Plante quickly responded to these attacks, accusing the Conservative leader of not understanding anything about the financing mechanisms that govern federal investments in Quebec.
“Before calling anyone incompetent, Mr. Poilievre should understand that in Quebec, federal housing funding does NOT go through the cities. “Common sense” also means understanding the financing mechanisms specific to each province. »
In Quebec, the federal government cannot directly pay money to cities under a law adopted by the National Assembly. Ottawa must therefore negotiate funding agreements with the government of Quebec when it concerns municipalities.
“Pierre Poilievre doesn’t understand how it works. Pantoute! », Exclaimed Minister Pablo Rodriguez, who is often called upon to negotiate these agreements with Quebec.
“Pierre Poilievre is completely wrong in substance and form. In terms of form, as we have said, it is unacceptable to come to us and insult our elected officials. Basically, he doesn’t understand. It is Quebec that distributes federal money to municipalities,” recalled the minister, highlighting the recent agreement between Quebec and Ottawa on housing construction.
“What I want to know: where are the Conservative MPs from Quebec in all this? I would love to hear them on this. Where is Pierre Poilievre’s political lieutenant, Pierre Paul-Hus? If they agree, let them say so. If they disagree, let them say so too. »
For the moment, the Conservative MPs from Quebec joined by The Press refused the invitation of Minister Pablo Rodriguez.