Incidents at the Stade de France, purchasing power, legislative… Le 8h30 franceinfo by Jean-François Copé

Jean-François Copé, mayor Les Républicains de Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Tuesday May 31.

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Jean-François Copé, mayor Les Républicains de Meaux, in Seine-et-Marne, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo Tuesday May 31. He answered Salhia Brakhlia’s questions.

Incidents at the Stade de France: the explanation of the executive “not credible”

Jean-François Copé ruled that Gérald Darmanin’s explanation for the incidents at the Stade de France on Saturday in the Champions League final “is not believable when you know the atmosphere of the Parisian suburbs and in particular what is happening in Seine-Saint-Denis”. The Minister of the Interior explained on Monday that it is a “massive, industrial and organized fraud” counterfeit notes is the cause of the fiasco. “No one thinks for a second that it was the English hooligans alone who committed what happened, there are multiple responsibilities”, added the former minister and ex-president of the UMP. According to him, “we cannot deny the reality. There is violence in this part of Île-de-France and thugs have landed and done the worst things”.

Inflation: “We are lying to people”

“What worries me a lot is that we are still lying to people, we are telling them ‘we are going to write you checks'” for cope with inflation, said Jean-François Copé. He was questioned about the bill on the purchasing power of the government, which will be the first text examined in parliament if Emmanuel Macron obtains a majority in the Assembly at the end legislative elections, while inflation in France continued to accelerate in May to reach 5.2% over one year, according to an initial estimate published on Tuesday by INSEE.

“There is the fuel check, then after there will be the clothing check, then the furniture check… I remind you that all this does not fall from the sky”, mocked the former budget minister under Nicolas Sarkozy. For him, inflation is linked “to the accumulation of the health crisis and then the war in Ukraine which means that we have supply problems in many sectors and that if this results in additional public expenditure, it is debt for financing”.

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