incidence slows slightly in Normandy, hospitalizations continue to rise

While the peak of the epidemic was reached last week at the national level, the regional incidence marks a slowdown in Normandy. According to the encrypted bulletin published by the Regional Health Agency this Tuesday evening, as of February 1, the region has an incidence rate of 3,241.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a decrease of minus 1.1% in one week.

But if the overall trend is downward at the regional level, the situation is not uniform depending on the location. The incidence rate is indeed falling in three Normandy departments : minus 7.4% in Eure (3,119.7), minus 5.3% in Seine-Maritime (3,291.5) and minus 3.5% in Orne (2,740.7). On the other hand, it increased by 12% in Manche (3,366.6) and in Calvados, plus 4.9% (3,367.2)

In this context, vaccination and respect for barrier gestures are more essential than ever to protect ourselves, protect others and protect our health system as a whole.” recalls the ARS. Knowing that this Wednesday, February 2 marks the relaxation of certain restrictions, such as the end of the obligation to wear a mask outdoors and the disappearance of gauges in closed places.

Despite the decline in the incidence rate, the number of hospital stays of Covid-19 positive patients continues to increase. As of January 31, 1,709 people with Covid-19 are hospitalized in Normandy, compared to 1,403 last week, including 142 in intensive care (131 at the last update).

source site-38