“incessant” shelling of the Donetsk region

What there is to know

“Bakhmut is bombed, Sloviansk is bombed day and night, Kramatorsk…” In a message published Friday on Telegram, the governor of the Donetsk region Pavlo Kyrylenko denounced the “incessant” bombardments by the Russian army in the area. Earlier in the day, this Ukrainian official had reported a balance sheet of six dead and 21 injured in 24 hours in Russian strikes on the region. Follow the news of the conflict on Saturday July 9 live with franceinfo.

Four dead in the northeast. In the Kharkiv region (northeast), the country’s second largest city, Russian bombardments left four civilians dead and nine injured in 24 hours, the local governor said.

Washington will provide new aid. The United States announced the payment of new aid to kyiv. According to a senior Pentagon official, this support includes four Himars multiple rocket launcher systems and 155 mm shells, for a total value of 400 million dollars (393 million euros). Enough to improve Ukrainian capabilities to target arms depots and the supply chain of the Russian army, according to Washington.

Burnt crops. According to the regional governor of Donestk, the Russian army has also started burning the crops: “There are massive fires in the fields, which are intentionally caused by the enemy. They try to destroy the crops by all means. They bomb agricultural machinery, harvesters…”he charged.

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