inaccessibility to running water has persisted for several years


France 2

Article written by

T. Cuny, JJ. Buty, Guadeloupe La 1ère, S. Gravelaine – France 2

France Televisions

In Guadeloupe, several unions deplore the abandonment of the French overseas population, faced with several problems such as access to running water, complicated by incessant cuts of running water for several years.

In Sainte-Anne (Guadeloupe), residents must check daily whether they have access to running water. “If I open the tap, there is no water (…) it has been going on for over a year, there is no water at all. If you don’t go and get water elsewhere, you don’t even have a sip “, s’unworthy one of them. When other residents are a little luckier, they take advantage of their access to water to stock up for the next outage.

At the root of this problem is an obsolete network that has been poorly maintained for several years. More than 50% of the water produced is said to be lost on the island due to thousands of leaks. The mixed water management union says it will soon launch a major network rehabilitation project. 80 million euros should be invested each year, as part of this project.

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