The Director General of the IAEA, the international nuclear policeman, is to go to the Zaporijjia power plant in Ukraine. As fighting continues around the site, experts remain concerned.
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In Ukraine, the director general of the IAEA, the international nuclear policeman, is due to visit the Zaporijjia power plant in the coming days. This is his second visit since Europe’s largest plant fell into Russian hands. Since then, the situation has not improved, quite the contrary. On six occasions, the plant found itself disconnected from the electricity grid. The IAEA has been trying for its part, for months and in vain, to demand a safety zone to protect the plant.
>> War in Ukraine: the IAEA wants to install a “permanent presence” in the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant
Hryhoriy Plachkov is one of the greatest Ukrainian nuclear experts, he is extremely worried. He is not, however, of an alarmist nature, he “don’t think Russia will use its nuclear arsenal”this hypothesis, he brushes it aside, according to him “Russia would be a victim too”. What knots his stomach is the Zaporizhia power plant. Of this situation, he prefers to laugh, “We have been living with the threat of a nuclear catastrophe for a year, but we are still alive. Everything is fine!”. “I’m joking of course”continues Hryhoriy Plachkov seriously, “there has simply never been anything like it in the history of human conflict, in the history of mankind.”
“An incident at the plant would affect, according to scientists’ calculations, one billion human beings, in 40 countries.”
Hryhoriy Plachkov, Ukrainian nuclear expertat franceinfo
But according to him, the worst is yet to come. The security of the plant depends on Kakhovka, a gigantic freshwater reserve, located further south and occupied by the Russian army. He worries about the level of the tank: “It’s very dangerous, the water level in the tank has fallen very low. And the water is needed to cool the reactor cores. So far it’s just fine. But by summer, it will become a real problem.” Another risk hangs over the plant, that of the employees on site. Of the 11,000, almost half fled the Russian occupation. Hryjoriy Plachkov discreetly exchanges with those who remain at the plant: “Imagine the psychological state of the employees. Their town is invaded, they have their families there, their children. The bombs are falling next to the plant. It’s very difficult at the moment.”
Hryjoriy Plachkov is convinced that if the IAEA has not succeeded for the miracle hour, it is helping to limit the damage. However, he shares the opinion of the boss of the IAEA, as long as the plant is not out of the combat zone and repaired, the nuclear accident threatens.