In Yonne, the Inter-Rurali-T association fights for the inclusion of transgender people

This Thursday, March 31 marks the international day of struggle for the visibility and inclusion of transgender people. The opportunity for France Bleu to talk about the Inter-Rurali-T association. Based in the north of Yonne, it was exported from Hauts-de-France to settle in the department in November 2021.

What is transidentity?

Being transgender is for a man or a woman, feeling like you were born in the wrong body. For those who do not have this feeling, we call them cisgender. In general, we ask questions about our gender from the age of eight and into pre-adolescence. A very delicate age, especially since parents do not really know how to support their children. This is where the association comes in.

We are here to help, accompany the children, but also the parents. To reassure them, to also redirect them“explains Alexandra Bruneel, president of the association. “_The suicide rate among transgender people is very high_, because they often feel alone, especially in rural areas. We are here to tell them that no, they are not alone, it is always possible to turn to us” she continues.

Rurality promotes isolation

Information and education on this subject are rare in the most rural areas, this does not in any way facilitate the need for answers of those concerned. This is the case of Nathalie, icaunaise by birth and has always lived in Yonne.

Around ten years old, I did not feel good in my body. But the social pressure got the better of me and I choked down what I felt and just did like the buddies to fit in.” she testifies. “Then from my fifteen years until my thirty years, I had the impression of being in love with all the women; in reality it was their image that I liked, I wanted to look like them” she concludes.

Nico is intersex. This means that she was born with both male and female sex characteristics. At birth, she underwent an operation, then was assigned to the male gender. She felt something was wrong, but did not know what. “I thought my case was unique. We didn’t talk about that at the time, there was barely any internet, so I had no way of understanding myself.” she confides. At the beginning of 2021, she then meets Alexandra. “It was a big revelation; I finally understood that I was not alone” she concludes. Nico began a transition just a year ago.

The Inter-Rurali-T association is present on social networks, on Facebook and Twitterwhere is he possible to get in touch with the presidentfor more information.

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