in Yonne, mayors are mobilizing to attract doctors


Video length: 2 min

Medical deserts: in Yonne, mayors are mobilizing to attract doctors

Medical deserts: in Yonne, mayors are mobilizing to attract doctors

(France 2)

In Yonne, a community of municipalities of 11,000 inhabitants will only have one general practitioner in the summer of 2024. Initiatives are being put in place to attract doctors.

The village of Montholon (Yonne), which has 3,000 inhabitants, is a French medical desert. Residents are worried about the lack of doctors. Two doctors retired in 2023. There are two left for the 11,000 inhabitants of this community of communes which brings together 14 villages. One of them will leave in the summer. The situation is difficult for Dr. Thierry Pinas, doctor at the Aillantais medical center in Montholon, who will be the only general practitioner to remain. He already works 11 hours a day. “If we want to maintain a certain quality, we have to take time with people”he assures.

Salary future doctors

The president of the community of communes has installed a cable car and decided to hire future doctors who will certainly come from abroad. This salary will be between 6,000 and 8,000 net. “We do not have a choice”explains Mahfoud Aomar, president of the community of communes of Aillantais, mayor of Valravillon (Yonne).

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