in Yerevan, the Armenian capital, a mass in support of refugees


Video duration:
1 minute


Article written by

franceinfo – A. Vahramian, S. Yassine, V. Minassian

France Televisions

In the Armenian capital, Yerevan, many residents gathered during a mass to show their support for Armenian refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh, after the Azerbaijani offensive. Some Armenians from France made the trip on Sunday October 1st.

A very special mass was held on Sunday, October 1, in the church of Etchmiadzine, seat of the Armenian Patriarchate, in Yerevan (Armenia). Prayers are directed to the refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh. In the crowd isent Armenians from France, who came last week, after the Azerbaijani offensive. “I came from France on purpose for these events. I thought that my place was no longer here, with my people, with the Armenians“, confides Dikris Goguet, resident of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes).

A shock for the residents of Yerevan

I ask the French government to act. There are international sanctions for other countries, perhaps we can freeze Azerbaijan’s assets“, suggests Anouche Seropyan, also based in Nice. The loss of this enclave, in whichShe Armenians had lived for centuries, comes as a shock to the residents of Yerevan. “It’s as if our body had been amputated, as if we had lost a part of ourselves and we had to continue living“, testifies a man.

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