In what type of companies do the French want to work?

Safety bonus. Before the health crisis, in 2019, it was towards small and medium-sized companies that French employees preferred to go. They were then 42% to want to move towards human-sized companies, VSEs and SMEs. The same question was asked, three years apart, by PageGroup, a firm specializing in recruitment and temporary work. VSEs and SMEs have lost seven points compared to 2019. Only 36% want to work in a small business.

Mid-size companies (ETI) are also losing attractiveness, posting four points less in three years: they only attract 31% of employees. On the other hand, they are now 30% to want to engage in a large group. The progress is spectacular. Large companies have gained 15 points compared to 2019. For PageGroup, there is no doubt that candidates marked by the crisis for 24 months favor the stability and security represented by the most important companies.

Companies that are all the more attractive in that they offer a large share of teleworking. It is in large companies that remote working is the most practiced and that is good since for nearly 60% of candidates, teleworking has become essential. Again, this is nine points more than compared to 2019. Even if you have to keep a dose of company presence. Exchanges with colleagues remain important for 70% of respondents and the essential social bond for 56% of them.

Abroad, we prefer to work in London

We know more about the countries and cities where French speakers are the best paid. the Preply language learning platform has analyzed more than 1.5 million job advertisements worldwide.

Those in which the requirement of French comes up most often come from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and, in fourth place, Poland. As for the cities, it is in London, often described as the sixth largest city in France, given the large number of expatriates there, that they are the most in demand. London is followed by a Canadian city, but it is not Montreal, but Toronto. Singapore also requires a lot of French people. Finally, the best salaries for Francophones are paid in Toronto, Ottawa and Chicago.

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