Video length: 2 min
Russia: in Vladimir Putin’s regime, an activist comes to support repressed opponents
Russia: in Vladimir Putin’s regime, an activist comes to support repressed opponents
Since the start of the invasion in Ukraine, a woman has decided to get involved in denouncing the regime of the master of the Kremlin. To do this, she corresponds with detained political opponents.
A Muscovite taking the metro like so many others. But, at 29, Nastia chose to think outside the box to fight Vladimir Putin’s regime. This Russian activist has decided to get involved since the invasion led by Russian troops in Ukraine in February 2022. For two years, she has corresponded with political prisoners sentenced for having criticized “special operation”.
“I try to write a lot and to as many people as possible to support them morally,” explains Nastia. The activist notably spoke with Alexeï Navalny, the former main opponent of Vladimir Putin who died last February in mysterious circumstances. For the moment, Russian power has never worried Nastia. But fears remain high. The activist recently chose to become a journalist in an independent media outlet to chronicle the trials of political opponents.