in Vendée, the system of mega-basins questioned


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – C.Blondiaux, L.Adjaoud, J.Delage R.Mathé, R.Luques

France Televisions

Mega-basins are present in Vendée. Used for agriculture, these water reservoirs are nevertheless called into question, especially in times of drought.

In Vendée, there are 25 water reservoirs, also called basins. They represent 11 million m3 of water and more than 200 farmers are connected to it. “If tomorrow we no longer have this water to ensure this kind of culture, economically the exploitation is no longer viable.“, says Yan Dubs, dairy producer. This reserve pumps water from the groundwater during the winter and then stores it to irrigate crops in the summer.

Promoted evaporation

In Vendée, the first water reservoirs were born in 2007. The basins are managed by unions of elected municipal officials. “The filling is done with water, when the water table has reached its maximum level and when the water would return to the sea“, assures Arnaud Charpentier, president of the Sèvres Autizes joint union. These basins dry up the rivers according to specialists. In addition, an open body of water promotes evaporation and the development of algae and bacteria, explains Emma Haziza, hydrologist.

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