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The bird flu epidemic is spreading in France and has already caused the slaughter of more than 14 million poultry. In Vendée, Monday March 28, breeders are worried.
Monday, March 28, France is experiencing an intense avian flu epidemic, 14 million poultry have been slaughtered. “I have never seen this and I hope never to see it again”, testifies Thierry Lumineau, president of the poultry section of Vendée. With bird flu, this poultry farmer lost 13,000 turkeys in three days. More than half of Vendée farms are affected. “We are going to be four or five months without putting poultry in place. So that means as much time without resources”, explains Jacques Dupont, poultry farmer, who had to slaughter his 9,000 ducks. As a result, prices could rise for consumers.
“We have to send messages to the State so that it is very reactive in the allowances. (…) There was a case in Deux-Sèvres last year, we got the aid 13 months later. is not conceivable”announces Alain Chabauty, president of the FNSEA 79.