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While the Kremlin claims that its troops have started to withdraw from the Ukrainian border, NATO and Ukraine are waiting for proof. A situation that worries the Ukrainian population.
This is the image that Russia wants to show the world – that of tanks and soldiers returning to their garrisons. But the Russians are struggling to convince NATO, which sees no de-escalation and suspects that Russia is strengthening its positions. The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, appears on his side as a warlord as close as possible to his troops.
In Kiev, the population does not believe that Russia is withdrawing. This resident even goes so far as to think that war is an inevitable way out of this crisis. To protect the population, no less than 5,000 bomb shelters are planned, including that of the central station, which can accommodate up to 2,000 people. A bunker with flavors of the Cold War, with its nooks, its mysteries, its fixed decor. And for good reason: this shelter was used during the Second World War. In the event of bombardments, the 47 metro stations will also be able to serve as a refuge.