in Ukraine the bombs also break the friendship between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples

In the annex of Lviv University in western Ukraine, volunteers are busy packing medicine and compresses for the soldiers at the front. There is great faith in the Ukrainian army and immense anger against the Russian enemy, as Russian troops will now focus on the “liberation” of eastern Ukraine.

>> 31st day of war in Ukraine: follow our live

Lev is a doctor. This resident of Lviv has a jovial and energetic face but which closes as soon as you say the word “Russian”. “The Russians are no longer our brothersloose Lev. Unfortunately. We will not forget what they do. The civilian populations are suffering, the children are suffering, they are bombing the children, they are bombing the doctors, they are bombing the humanitarian corridors…”

“This war is not a one-man war. It is supported by the Russian people.”

Lev, resident of Lviv

at franceinfo

Yevhen, a young student who helps him make packages, wants to go one better. “The Russian people don’t even understand our situationhe assures. And he doesn’t even try to understand her.” “We don’t have the same values, slice Lev. We are fighting with our bare hands against tanks for our freedom and they won’t even demonstrate to defend theirs.”

An analysis that the historian Vasyl Kmet, director of the Lviv university library, would not deny. He wishes to rectify the error of the Westerners. Don’t you dare to distinguish Putin from his people. And to deplore: even the intellectuals approve of it. “More than 700 professors and directors of universities in Russia have signed an open letter in support of the policy of ‘Führer Putin’ in Ukraineexplains Vasyl Kmet. They said that their president’s arguments were adequate, and that they agreed with his policies. It is the Russian elites, the university professors who approve of the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians, children, women, old people.” And when you ask Lev if a reconciliation is possible, the answer fuses: “It will take at least several generations.”

Historian Vasyl Kmet, in Lviv (Ukraine).   (MARIE-PIERRE VEROT / RADIO FRANCE)

Report from Lviv in Ukraine where anti-Russian sentiment is growing – Marie-Pierre Vérot and Arthur Gerbault

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