In Ukraine, grain exports resume at ports



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On the Ukrainian side, the first grain exports are about to restart in the Black Sea. kyiv announces the resumption of activity in the ports of departure.

In the port of Odessa (Ukraine), ships are ready to cast off. On board, millions of tons of cereals awaiting delivery for months. The convoys will leave from Odessa but also from Tchornomorsk and Youzhne. These three Ukrainian ports have resumed work before the first departures. “These convoys will be led by a lead ship which will advance as a scout in the determined sea lanes”explains Serhii Bratchuk, spokesperson for the Odessa region.

The operational center in Istanbul will coordinate the implementation of the agreements signed between Kyiv and Moscow. The objective is to relaunch grain exports, these goods which are sorely lacking on world markets. This agreement is valid for four months and should allow Ukrainian grain silos to be emptied before the new harvest which is approaching.

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