In Ukraine, children ‘play war’ near the front line and hunt down Russians for sweets

Valia has a scarf over her face. Little Bodia, plastic gun in hand. And Bogdan a bulletproof vest and a fake Kalashnikov on his shoulder. In the village of Tykhyi Stav, near Dnipropetrovsk, about fifteen kilometers from the front line, this military checkpoint would look like a real one, if it weren’t for three thirteen-year-old children.

>> “As long as there are kids who die for nothing, we have to stay there”: a French fighter who went to Ukraine recounts the war

It’s school holidays in Ukraine. A car stops: “Your passports, your passports!”ask the three friends, Monday, June 6. “Open the trunk, where are you going?” Like adults, they check the identities of passengers, search vehicles… “We control and protect the village Tykhyi Stav”said the little girl. “We protect our country!”adds his friend.

The children’s checkpoint: report by Thibault Lefèvre and Alexandre Abergel

to listen

On the surface, it’s a game. But for the little band, it’s very serious. “The Russian soldiers, they are called orcspicks up the little girl, and if they try to get through, we break the car windows.” They’ve been here for a month, starting at 10 a.m. The war haunts their school holidays and their nights. “In my dreams, I see us all dead”explains the little girl, when asked if she has nightmares.

Among the drivers checked, Valeri takes the road with his truck several times a week to supply the army: “Children have to play something else. It’s not funny, it’s just very sad, he regrets.

“We hope to arrive at the time when children can have fun differently, with more joyful games.”

“Children should enjoy life, confides this driver. To develop, to participate in team games and to live far from these horrors”. While waiting for the return of peace, Valeri thinks of offering sweets at each of her visits. The loot of the day? Two chocolate bars and a large plastic bag full of sweets.

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