in two years at Matignon, the Prime Minister has established himself with the French



France 3

Article written by

O. Meyer, A. Sabatier, M. Tamon, C. Gedeon – France 3

France Televisions

How far will Jean Castex go? There is still no official name of his or her replacement, but the Prime Minister is organizing a farewell dinner, Thursday, May 12, with the entire government. Still unknown two years ago, this local man has managed to impose himself in the majority and with the French.

When this 55-year-old senior official succeeded Édouard Philippe, Emmanuel Macron created a surprise by entrusting the reins of his government to this almost unknown to the general public. A technician of the moderate right, but also a man of the land. Moreover, in his office, there are several objects that recall his emotional link with the Catalan country. His debut at Matignon was not easy.

This Gascon had to face criticism and mockery about his accent or his glasses. For nearly two years, he explained and defended sanitary measures, even if it meant taking blows. His mandate as a local elected official made him an elected official close to people. In Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales), the former mayor is the pride of its inhabitants. The current Prime Minister now seems in a hurry to take a break. He would not want to enter the next government or run for legislative elections.

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