In “TPMP”, Guillaume Genton reveals a photo of his baby, Jules, the columnists extremely uncomfortable

“Is this a joke?”, “It’s okay to defuse”, “that’s a 4 month old baby”. There were many reactions when Guillaume Genton revealed a photo of her baby, Jules, who came into the world over the weekend. Indeed, this Monday, February 12, 2024, Cyril Hanouna wanted to “present” the columnist’s baby to the members of the team. But as usual, the host showed humor.

Him and Guillaume Genton set a trap for the columnists and broadcast the photo of a baby that was not really highlighted. This caused enormous unease on the set. Indeed, Jean-Michel Maire showed frankness and indicated that the baby on the screen, whether he is Guillaume Genton or not, was “ugly”. Danielle Moreau tried to find beauty where there was none, while Raymond struggled not to burst out laughing. “A newborn doesn’t have that face. It’s a joke. If it’s not a joke, it’s very serious what I just did”launched the columnist on set before the recent dad responded, playing the game until the end: “I find it a bit inappropriate”.

Also see: Guillaume Genton appears on social networks kissing his partner, Fabien!

Guillaume Genton traps the columnists

The opportunity for Jean-Michel Maire to add a layer. “To do again. I say what I think. He will surely be very intelligent, I am not saying the opposite; […] Look at the. […] No need to put labels on his clothes, you recognize him straight away”, he added, making the set hilarious. For his part, Guillaume Genton appeared saddened and touched by the criticism: “It’s a lack of respect”.

It was finally after several minutes that the columnist and Cyril Hanouna revealed the real story. “The truth is that it’s a huge bullshit”finally let go Guillaume Gentonallowing the columnists to be relieved before the host reveals having prepared the joke throughout the weekend.


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