In Torreilles, new edition of “All in the water with or without breasts” for breast cancer patients

On Torreilles beach, volunteers from the SOA 66 association, who accompanies patients or former cancer patients, await the participants. Cathia Rodor is a sophrologist within the association, she summarizes this action in a few words: “Tell all women that with or without breasts, life is worth living”.

Rebuilding after a mastectomy

“With or without breasts”because for some women, breast cancer is synonymous with removal of one or both breasts. An act that can be psychologically traumatic, in addition to chemotherapy treatments, which are very heavy for the body. “Already, there is the operation itself which is difficult”says Myriam Dedies, president of the association, “and afterwards, there is the image we have of ourselves, in the mirror, in intimacy”.

“I finally took off the top at the beach” – Dominique, a patient

A moment that was difficult for Dominique, who came to participate in this day. She found out she was sick in 2013, and had a mastectomy. It’s only been a few months since she finally regained her confidence.. “In May, it was very hot, and I finally took my top off at the beach. beach, no one takes care of anyone, it passes by itself”.

This moment of discussion is very liberating for these patients, physically and psychologically injured. “It feels good, we went through this alone”remembers Dominique.

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