In “Top Chef”, Glenn Viel forced to intervene after great tension between two candidates!

No, you weren’t dreaming, Top Chef was exceptionally broadcast this Thursday, April 21, 2022 instead of Wednesday evening. And the least we can say is that after the candidate who proposed cooking with a compost crust, the jury of Top chef was not at the end of his troubles.

While he left the competition last week, Lilian Douchet made his big comeback like Thibaut Spiwack, the last eliminated to date. The ultimate goal: to get back into the race. And inevitably, the pressure is all the stronger.

For this first test, Heston Blumenthal asked to be surprised around a very popular food in our kitchens: the potato. Lucie Berthier Gembara chose to go on “lthe volcano of mash with its meat juice“revisited. “It’s a bit expected, a bit easy“, released Glenn Viel who desires “more fantasy”.

For his part, Arnaud Delvenne wants to revisit “the American-fries”, a classic from his native Belgium but focusing more on mashed potatoes. The chef validated his idea. But that rather annoyed the 32-year-old chef who then let go: “Me, I don’t understand. I don’t know where we’re going. He wants emotion, I don’t know how to put emotion into it”.

But the reflection of the Nantaise did not pass with the Liégois who reframed it by saying: “I am going to tell you something. We’re not going to talk about it again for three hours, but now we have to hurry up because I’m not going home today.”

This attitude on the part of the two candidates did not do too much for Glenn Viel who had to intervene. “I sense a tension between the two. It doesn’t communicate much. It does not look frankly. Today, they are not… That’s it, did you get fried?“, he asks them.

That does not calm the young woman, the show’s new jurorwas then drier and swung: “We stop this bullshit. We try to forget a little. There is someone who took the lead, it does not matter. A little positivity, is it possible? So here we go, please”.

Arnaud Delvenne takes the lead and then says to his partner: “The boss is right. There are times when we don’t understand each other right away. Right there, we both reacted very badly. We are two very sensitive people. There is this pressure, this weight of not letting Thibaut and Lilian take our places. We were dumb, right?“. Peace has returned after a hug. All’s well that ends well.


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