“In three weeks, we will return to a normal life”, the strong announcement of Martin Blachier in “TPMP”!

This Wednesday, January 19, Boris Johnson decided to lift the last restrictions in England. “While cases are expected to continue to rise in some places, including primary schools, our scientists believe there is a good chance that the Omicron wave has now peaked nationwide”, said the Prime Minister.

The Spanish government, for its part, indicated through its leader, Pedro Sanchez, that he was on his way to “no longer consider the coronavirus as a pandemic but as an endemic disease”.

Will France follow the path taken by its neighbors? Will the restrictions be dropped to allow a return to “normal life”? The question was asked in Do not touch My TV. For this debate, Martin Blachier and Enrique Casalino were invited.

“We spend about two billion a month, with what result? Billions spent to curb an epidemic which is blazing more than in any other country (…) No one can take this situation anymore but in at the same time the sheaves are decreasing… What are we doing with this Omicron wave? Are we going in the right direction? Or shouldn’t we go back to a normal life? It’s true that Great Britain is the leader in this way out of the crisis”, said the epidemiologist. If the doctor Casalino estimated that normal life would be found in a few years, Martin Blachier indicated that it would be necessary to wait less long. “France will return to normal life in a few years,” he said. “very optimistic”. Words that disappointed Gilles Verdez. “It’s way too early.”

It remains to be seen whether this prediction will come true!

See also: Health crisis: Laurent Ruquier is criticized on Instagram


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