In the United States, do pro-Trump die more from Covid than pro-Biden?

“Republicans kill Republicans” : It is accompanied by this kind of comments that Internet users are currently sharing a publication on social networks suggesting that in the United States, pro Trump die more from Covid than pro-Biden.

These graphs shared by Internet users come from a survey carried out by the American public radio, the NPR. It has looked at deaths from Covid in almost all US counties – around 3,000 – since May, when everyone could have access to the vaccine.
She thus concluded that the counties which voted Trump largely in the last presidential election are also those in which the vaccination rates are the lowest and where the mortality rates due to Covid are much higher.

However, the NPR itself specifies that its analysis only focused on the location of deaths due to Covid. It is therefore not possible to know precisely the political opinion of every American who has died of the disease, but it does allow us to identify a trend.

Overall, this study shows that people living in counties that voted overwhelmingly for Trump were nearly three times more likely to die from Covid than those living in areas favored by Joe Biden. Thus, in Winston County (Alabama), where we voted 90% for Donald Trump, the vaccination rate is only 25% and the number of Covid deaths per 100,000 inhabitants is more than two and a half times higher than the national average.

The NPR puts forward an explanation for this correlation. It first refers to recent American polls showing in particular that an unvaccinated person is three times more likely to lean for the Republicans than for the Democrats.

But disinformation is clearly the cause, according to NPR. The authors report that “lDisinformation seems to be a major factor in the delay in vaccination “, and specifies that more than 90% of Republicans questioned believe at least in false information about the Covid.

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