In the United Kingdom, the “Stonehenge of the North” open to the public

(LONDON) A major prehistoric site, dubbed the “Stonehenge of the North” because of its similarities to the famous and enigmatic Neolithic complex, opened to the public in northern England on Friday after being handed over to the state.

The Thornborough Henges are a set of three mysterious circular structures dating from 3500-2500 BC. They represent one of the oldest prehistoric sites in the country and are thus reminiscent of Stonehenge in south-west England, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, whose standing stones form a set of mysterious circles that attract every year thousands of people for the pagan festival of the solstice.

The government agency responsible for heritage protection, Historic England, announced on Friday that it was opening the site to the public. According to her, it is “probably the most important ancient site between Stonehenge (south-west England, editor’s note) and the Orkney Islands in Scotland”.

The remains are still largely visible but have not been very well preserved, the site having been heavily cultivated over the years. Seen from the sky, the large circles are clearly visible.

The Neolithic site represents “a connection to our ancient ancestors, across thousands of years, inspiring a sense of wonder and mystery,” said Historic England director Duncan Wilson.

“We are delighted to have acquired this very important site for the nation, ensuring that these magnificent monuments are safe and preserved for generations to come. »

The opening to the public follows an agreement dating back to 2016 in which the construction company Tarmac sold the site, after years of controversy over the company’s quarrying in the area.

Like Stonehenge, scholars believe the huge number of people who had to be mobilized to build the site indicates how important it was in the society of the time.

According to research, the site was visible for miles around. The large circles, more than 200 meters in diameter, were certainly places of gatherings for ceremonies but could also have served as places of meetings and trade.

“The site of Thornborough Henges has enormous potential to help tell the story of the United Kingdom,” reacted Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, also a local MP, hoping for many visitors for “this little-known gem in our history”.

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