in the UK, in the face of the resumption of the epidemic, businesses are idling


France 2

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In the United Kingdom, the Covid-19 is experiencing a rebound in the country. Boris Johnson is criticized for his health management, which impacts the economy.

Currently, five million people are infected with Covid-19 in the United Kingdom. It’s a record. The explosion of figures revives criticism against Boris Johnson and his strategy to live with the coronavirus. More restrictions, more mandatory isolation for people who test positive and more free tests for symptomatic people since April 1. Result: a rebound in the number of cases which already has economic consequences in schools, among garbage collectors or in transport.

Long queues have been seen at airports, due to sick staff at boarding gates, airlines have even had to cancel flights. The disturbances should continue this week, in the middle of school holidays for the British, explains the journalist from France Télévisions Maëlys Septembre.

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