Some offer staff accommodation, cars or even boats to doctors so that they can settle down. In the village of Técou in the Tarn, the opposite happened somewhat.
In this village of a thousand inhabitants, very close to Gaillac, at the edge of the highway, a doctor wanted to settle on a plot of a housing estate under construction. Land located below the village. Despite the efforts of the town hall, some residents have let it be known that they do not want the GP to set up by fear of harm and comings and goings of cars.
No stigma
Mayor Jean François Baulès has tried everything: consultation meetings, additional parking spaces. But the doctor preferred to look elsewhere, in a neighboring town. But for the mayor: there is no question of stigmatizing the inhabitants of his commune. Simply tells him that the task of a small mayor is increasingly difficult, wherever it is. That elected officials from small villages increasingly face theindividualism and the difficulty of sustaining thecollective interest.
new inhabitants
However, in Técou, express their anger like this resident, from the top of the village near the school, who says “to be ashamed” and that “rumbles against human stupidity”. “We need a doctor in a living municipality. And it’s not 50 cars a day, all the same” she says.
And in the subdivision also some are disappointed. So one of the residents tries to explain that the newcomers to the village may not have understood the importance of a doctor in this rural area. “It’s a brand new housing estate. We all come from different backgrounds. It’s a lack of communication and knowledge. We would all have appreciated having this service nearby and in rural areas.”
– SM
Lack of doctor
In the Tarn, the lack of doctors will worsen until 2025. At the beginning of May, ARS Occitanie announced the extension of the areas and the number of Tarn municipalities with access to installation aids for general practitioners proof of the tensions in the department. This is the case for the Lacaune, Mazamet and Puylaurens sectors, classified as priority intervention zones. Graulhet and Carmaux are now ZIP (Priority Intervention Zone) and Gaillac (located 7 km from Técou) in ZAC Zone of complementary actions.