In the streets of Bastia, the remains of the demonstration in support of Yvan Colonna

The day before, several thousand people gathered in support of Yvan Colonna. The public finance building in Bastia was set on fire, but calm seems to have returned in the streets of the prefecture of Haute-Corse this Monday, March 14.

Some parts of the public finance building in Bastia are completely charred © Radio France
Mathilde Ansquer

Impossible to work in the building, the fifty agents who work here have gone to telework.

Inside, half-burned documents pile up
Inside, half-burned documents pile up © Radio France
Mathilde Ansquer
Several windows were broken in the building
Several windows were broken in the building © Radio France
Mathilde Ansquer

In the street, you have to open your eyes to see them, but some traces of the demonstration remain visible.

Around the prefecture, we see several small pieces of plastic, remnants of the tear gas canisters fired during the demonstration
Around the prefecture, we see several small pieces of plastic, remnants of the tear gas canisters fired during the demonstration © Radio France
Mathilde Ansquer

All in all, everything seems to be back in order. The town hall explains that the municipal agents cleaned the city from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m., as usual.

There are many pieces of tear gas canisters near the prefecture.
There are many pieces of tear gas canisters near the prefecture. © Radio France
Mathilde Ansquer

La Poste near Place Saint-Nicolas keeps the door closed. On the door, we read a sign explaining that the office will remain closed this monday “following last night’s damage”.

The Post Office teams say they have to
Postal teams say they have to “secure the premises” before being able to receive the public again © Radio France
Mathilde Ansquer

Six investigations opened

In total, the Bastia prosecutor’s office opened six surveys. For the Post Office, the reason is “destruction by explosive device in an organized gang” For the public finance building, the investigation is open for “degradation by means of fire” and “aggravated degradation”.

source site-38