In the Somme, the city of Conty violently affected by a mini-tornado

In the Somme, the town of Conty was particularly affected by the storms, beyond the hail and the rain, it saw a mini-tornado descend on it which crossed the town from North to South, causing very violent material damage, this Sunday, October 23, 2022.

A dozen homeless households

The tiles of the houses have been torn off, even for certain accommodation the entire roof. A dozen households will spend the night in the village hall of Conty this evening, because the roofs of their homes were destroyed by the tornado. They were to be relocated within the week, according to Mayor Pascal Bohin, and until then, solidarity is being organized in the city.

Fortunately, no casualties were reported. The prefect of La Somme, Etienne Stoskopf, went there in the evening.

Rescue is on the spot

45 firefighters as well as gendarmes are deployed on site and will spend the night and certainly a good part of the day in secure the premises.

The urgency is to ensure that nothing more risks falling but other imperatives will quickly arrive: the school of the commune has also been heavily damaged and a solution will therefore have to be found by the start of the school year.

source site-38