Every morning, Marie Dupin slips into the skin of a personality, an event, a place or a fact at the heart of the news.
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Carassius Auratus: here is its Latin name. And an association for the defense of animals, Paz, has decided to swim to its rescue in fairgrounds, where it is still often offered as prizes.
This is a practice that is still very common, and yet prohibited by law for more than 10 years. So, under pressure from the association, a few days ago, the town hall of Troyes intervened with the fairgrounds, forced to remove the animals from the stands. Ditto in Chauny, in the Aisne, or in Nîmes, in the Gard, where the services of the State intervened. Thirty cities have been affected since April 2022.
But this is not enough for the animal rights association, which is calling for the systematic application of sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the law. A meeting was also held at the beginning of the year at the Ministry of Agriculture, but without result.
Despite dozens of reports, most of the time, the authorities do not intervene for goldfish at carnivals or for simple reminders of the law, but without ever issuing fines. And the massive violations continue.