In the sights of CH? “The dream center player”

“He’s the dream center player. No matter how hard I look, I don’t really find any noticeable weakness in him. “

This statement from a recruiter from the West could hardly be more laudatory.

It targets Logan Cooley, a 17-year-old American native of Pittsburgh who, according to several players in the hockey world, must be considered one of the best prospects for the next National Hockey League (NHL) draft.

As of Tuesday, the young man not only led the scorers in the US development program, but he also posted the second best rating of his team: a resounding +20.

The fun thing about these two stats is that they are perfectly representative of what Cooley brings to the ice: strong offensive performance and well above average defensive involvement.

A few months before the 2022 auction, the skater generously opened the doors to his reality.

A very well-filled toolbox

Yes, Logan Cooley can hurt his opponents in a number of ways on the ice.

An explosive skater, he excels in puck transport and is also the player his teammates rely on to bring the “object” into the opponent’s zone during power-play.

“He’s got a devastating top speed, but he’s also really quick at making games. It is not strong, but its very low center of gravity makes it difficult to move. He will have to add a few pounds to his structure, yes, except that he always plays at a very high pace and his game does not have any downtime, ”adds a recruiter from the Bettman circuit contacted as part of this report.

The center player is also blessed with good hands and has no problem dealing with situations where he finds himself in tight spaces. His wrist shot, as heavy as it is precise, is also a significant weapon.

Moreover, this famous throw, swears Cooley, reached such high standards thanks to a hard work carried out in the shadows. It is therefore far from coincidence that he has already more than tripled his goal production from last season (he already has 14 goals in 20 games).

“My summer came down to two things: strength training and throwing repeat pucks. I was just doing that! I gained a lot of strength and added muscle to my frame. I have also developed great confidence in my shooting, which means that I am using it a lot more this year. ”

A metamorphosis … more than beneficial

Logan Cooley, saw it above, it is however more than goals and points.

Effective in the face-off circle, the pivot is also very rigorous during his defensive folds and his forward failure. He also attaches great importance to the support he offers to his defenders near his net.

As of today, it is this versatility that makes Cooley such a highly rated hope by the experts. But he has not always displayed this reliability. Oh no!

“Before arriving in the American development program, I was a strictly offensive player. But my trainer Adam Nightingale changed everything. He worked with me on every little detail possible and made me understand what I needed to do to be seen as an interesting player.

“He put a lot of time into my case in training and after sessions. Today, I am proud to say that I consider myself to be as good defensively as I am offensively. ”

One of the scouts surveyed agrees.

“It is a center of the new generation. Fast, smart and defensively aware. An excellent choice for a team wanting an efficient attacker in all three zones. ”

And what kind of impact could he have in the NHL?

“He will play on one of the first two lines. I see him becoming a kind of Mathew Barzal. ”

If Cooley’s trainer has, as he mentions, played a big role in his progress, we should not especially neglect the genetics and the family ties of the American in this evolution. Let him tell us about his family’s hockey history.

“I have a family that only lives for hockey! One of my brothers plays in the NCAA with Ohio State. My other brother plays in the NAHL for the New Mexico Ice Wolves. I also have two uncles who have reached American university level. “

In other words, he has probably never lacked advice and … playing partners!

“I do everything to be the first”

The 2022 NHL Draft will take place next June. How does Cooley deal with all the attention attaching him to this event?

“I don’t look at the various lists and articles about me. I focus on what I can control. My mindset is that a focused man always ends up achieving his goals. But you can ask all the guys in this draft and they’ll tell you the auction is on their mind! ”

Okay, he’s not looking at the lists. But if he had to train his own, where would he rank? His answer is interesting.

“I don’t know if I’ll be number 1, but what I do know is that I’m doing absolutely everything to make it happen! At the gym, on the ice rink … I don’t neglect anything! The choice is however up to the general managers of the NHL. ”

“It means a lot to me”

A few days ago, the young man was invited to the final camp of the US junior national team. Despite his young age, his purpose is clear.

“It means a lot to me. My whole family has been watching the tournament for several years. Obviously my goal is to be selected by the team and do whatever I can to get the United States home to gold. ”

Speaking of our American neighbors, Cooley aptly quotes a player from Uncle Sam’s country when asked which NHL skater he inspires his game from.

“Patrick Kane is probably the best American player in history. It’s hard to compare myself to him, but I see many similar aspects in our playing styles and he’s someone on whom I rely a lot to improve. “

“The dream center player”

Dangerous with the puck, effective without. Can we ask for better, for a center player?

Not according to the recruiter working in the West.

“Cooley is the dream center player. No matter how hard I look, I don’t really find any noticeable weakness in him. “

The message is sent to the various teams of the NHL. But they had better not hesitate too long on the day of the draft, because Cooley is very likely to fly away very early.

While waiting for “D”-day, the teenager, who would have liked to have a career as a professional golfer had it not been for his great talent on the ice, has already secured his back by signing up with the University of Notre-Dame. Lady with a view to the next season.

“They have a solid hockey program and have helped a number of players reach the NHL.”

But based on what we’ve been seeing and hearing over the past few months, Logan Cooley will do more than “reach the NHL”. It will shine there.


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