In the Rhône, specific counters at the prefecture to welcome Ukrainian refugees



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For the past few days, Ukrainians who wish to stay on French soil have benefited from a tailor-made welcome at the Rhône prefecture. A solution to deal with the influx of refugees and respond as quickly as possible to requests for temporary protection. #TheyHaveTheSolution.

In Lyon, blue and yellow counters in the colors of the Ukrainian flag have appeared in the premises of the Rhône prefecture. Ukrainians come there to ask for a temporary protection regime. A specific European directive, adopted in 2001, but which had never been applied. At the beginning of March, the Council of the European Union gave its “go”.

This protection allows refugees who deserted Ukraine following the war against Russia to stay in France, to have access to housing, social and medical assistance, schooling for children and a work. An essential sesame to allow these populations who have fled the war to integrate into a host country.

Bohdan Sytnik, a Ukrainian who has lived in France for eight years, managed to bring his mother and mother-in-law from kyiv, for whom he obtained the famous temporary protection in record time. “Yesterday we were at the refugee center, we had an appointment at the prefecture today”, he explains. An hour after going to the counter, Bohdan leaves with the residence permits of his relatives. The administrative procedures only lasted 48 hours. Depending on the prefecture, the maximum delay can reach three days.

In addition to the counters dedicated to Ukrainians, an information office helps refugees who have not gone through NGOs. A translator explains the formalities to follow to complete the application for temporary protection.

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