in the ranks of PSG supporters, fatalism is in order regarding the future of Kylian Mbappé

The end of the Mbappé soap opera very soon? In Paris, among PSG fans, it’s time for resignation. “I think it’s over, since the UNFP trophy night, where his speech sounded like a farewell, I’m absolutely devastated”, sighs Jonathan Partula, a subscriber to the Parc des Princes for 15 years. It must be said that almost all the rumors send the native of Bondy to the side of Madrid. brandthe best-selling newspaper in the country, posted on its front page, Tuesday, May 17, a large “Yes” on the smiling face of the French prodigy, making it clear that the agreement was “finalized”.

A potential departure that they are few to blame him for in the spans of the Park. “I can’t blame him given the level at which he has evolved this season, Jonathan continues. I only blame him a little for not having said it sooner“. Same story miles away in Switzerland, where Rachel, 25, a PSG fan, is studying. “I don’t like the fact that he maintains the mystery when his decision has been made for two years”she laments.

I never believed in an extension and in my humble opinion, I think he never intended to stay. And I don’t blame him. I don’t think the club has a coherent project to present to him.

Rachel, student, PSG supporter


Author of 36 goals and 21 assists this season, the French striker dazzled with his class a lackluster season for Paris Saint-Germain. “I have enormous respect for what he has done this year, if a player has been exemplary it is him, and even against Madrid (in the Champions League), he scored on the outward and return. He was irreproachable, I will not blame him”loose Benjamin Muller, PSG supporter since 1994.

At the heart of this ambient fatalism, Grégory, an active member of the Culture PSG forum under the JTAH signature, tries to keep hope. “I still want to hang on to the branches and tell myself that, on a misunderstanding, he would stay another year or two”. This resident of Vanves, in the Paris region, will nevertheless respect Kylian Mbappé’s decision, whatever it may be. “He signed for 5 years, he will stay for 5 years. I don’t see how we can hate him, he has won us half the matches”he exclaims.

“He will be even stronger at Real”, concludes “Greg”, whose optimism also knows its share of questioning and questioning about the future of the star, currently Parisian. But for how much longer?

source site-18