in the Pyrénées-Orientales, authorities and firefighters are preparing for the summer of all dangers



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

C. Verove, G. Allanic, Y. Saidani – France 3

France Televisions

With the tramontana continuing to blow, the firefighters of the Pyrénées-Orientales still fear a resumption of fire in Saint-Cyprien, Thursday, May 11. The season has not yet started, but the fire risk is already at its maximum.

The fire passed near a house in Saint-Cyprien (Pyrénées-Orientales) on the evening of Wednesday June 10, and reduced a couple’s shed to ashes. “My mountain bike, everything, the beach equipment. Everything is gone, there is nothing left”, saddens Georges Dejonghe. The fire transformed 10 hectares into a lunar landscape, which firefighters continued to water on Thursday morning.

The authorities are preparing

Beneath the smoldering ground, danger remains. “That can cause a huge outbreak of fire like yesterday”, explains Chief Warrant Officer Geoffroy Bouny, firefighter. Renewed fires are smoldering in historically dry ground, which bodes well for a season full of dangers. “If it doesn’t rain in the summer, it will be catastrophic”, he said. In a drought crisis situation, the Pyrénées-Orientales are vulnerable. In an attempt to protect themselves, communities are accelerating clearing operations. The firefighters train every week.

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