It’s a still sunny week that starts in Mayenne. The opportunity to stroll along the banks of the rivers or in the parks. Perhaps you will go to the Perrine garden on the heights of Laval near the Château-Neuf. And maybe you will come across the one we call “the squirrel lady”. Her name is Sylvia Dion, she is from Laval and spends her days photographing squirrels and taming them. A radical change of life for this wildlife photographer.
Indeed, for 32 years, Sylvia Dion worked in industrial cleaning. A long and painful career. “After shoulder surgery, I was fired. So I took up photography. And there… extraordinary“says the 50-year-old.I no longer have a boss on my back, I am my own boss. It’s awesome“continues Sylvia Dion.
– Martin Cotta
His love for squirrels begins in 2018.”_It all started four kilometers from here, in Changé_, Four years ago. I crossed families of squirrels during a walk and I never left again. But when they cut down the trees in Changé, I was told to go to La Perrine because there are also squirrels. And so here I am“smiles the Lavalloise.
Eight hours a day with rodents
Today “the squirrel lady” spends eight hours a day in the Perrine garden. “It took me eight months to tame the animals. And today I make the people who pass here benefit from it”. A denim jacket on her back, her camera in hand, Sylvia Dion also allows herself to distribute a few acorns in her pockets to attract small rodents. “These are indescribable moments“explains the photographer.
“When you see happiness in children’s eyes, I have no words” declares the one who will tell her passion soon in a book. Sylvia Dion also shares her pictures on her Facebook page.