in the North, Marine Le Pen savors the dropout of Eric Zemmour

The Rassemblement candidate took advantage of her trip to land that is largely hers to tackle her competitor, struggling in the polls, and put a new proposal for purchasing power on the table.

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Under the northern sun, with a smile on her lips, Marine Le Pen displays herself serenely in the shade of the Armentières belfry. “We are strong. Straight, strong and upright, like the people of France!” It must be said that the candidate of the National Rally for the 2022 presidential election is spared by the Ukrainian storm. The polls give him color when Eric Zemmour, he settles. To the point that Marine Le Pen even has the luxury of playing the referee after the debate between Eric Zemmour and Valérie Pécresse, Thursday March 10 on TF1 and LCI: “It did not have the height which is necessary, I believe, in a presidential campaign, and it was above all completely disconnected from the interest and well-being of the French”.

“I saw two right-wing officials who were fighting over the corpse of the right, it was not glorious.”

Marine Le Pen

at franceinfo

It is also for Marine Le Pen a way of trying to rise to the height of Emmanuel Macron, the only one with whom she says she has “objectively” want to debate. But the candidate knows it, her popularity in the North is not the key to her access to the second round. So, the RN candidate insists as soon as she can on a theme: purchasing power, with her sights set on her promise of 150 to 200 euros more each month, thanks in particular to the reduction in fuel taxes.

On Friday, during her meeting in Bouchain, between Valenciennes and Cambrai, Marine Le Pen even said she was considering a new measure: “Perhaps it will also be necessary to think about an emergency measure to abolish VAT on a basket of a hundred products which are essential to the survival and the dignified life of our compatriots.”

If she relies on purchasing power to mobilize, the far-right candidate does not hesitate to harangue the crowd either, to keep her troops motivated. “Stand up, stand up and say enough is enough, she says. Rise to guarantee your loved ones a life of light and hope. Stand up to affirm that France remains France.” A recipe that Marine Le Pen hopes will win to avoid replaying the regional scenario for the presidential election. A large part of his voters had then shunned the ballot boxes.

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