in the North, faced with the lack of specialists, hospitals are adapting



Video length: 2 min

Medical deserts: in the North, faced with a lack of specialists, hospitals are adapting

Medical deserts: in the North, faced with a lack of specialists, hospitals are adapting – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A.Paris, M.Larguet, D.Fossard, A.Richard, C.Apiou

France Televisions

In France, there are today less than four dermatologists per 100,000 inhabitants. The situation is particularly worrying in certain regions such as Cateau-Cambrésis in the North/

In the town of 7,000 inhabitants of Cateau-Cambrésis (North), “you have to go sixty kilometers to have an appointment with a dermatologist”explains a resident. “Having a date six months, a year later, I don’t find that normal”he confides. “I would have consulted if there was not this difficulty”explains another.

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