In the Nièvre, a troupe of amateurs performs a traveling Mozart opera

Putting on an opera with non-professional artists is quite a challenge. Traveling, the show is preparing for a tour in the Nièvre. A project set up at the initiative of Laurent Noguès, conductor of the Ensemble Musical de Prémery.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture



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Choristers and instrumentalists, there are nearly 70 artists to participate in this audacious project. Most are amateurs. Some professionals participate in this musical adventure.

A Mozart opera performed by a troupe of amateurs

It is the culmination of two years of preparation and rehearsals. Volunteers and professionals are happy to finally be able to give birth to Ascanio in Albaa pastoral opera in two acts by Mozart performed for the first time in 1771. The most impatient are of course the amateurs. “I find it fabulous”, rejoices Anne Metzger, chorister. “It brings a lot of knowledge, experience because we have to listen to the choirs who sing. We also have to adapt to the conductor”, adds Anthony Pavalic, violinist.

It is Laurent Noguès, the conductor of the musical ensemble of Prémery, who is at the origin of this creation. “It was a little crazy and a little improbable but we thought we had to give it a try”, he explains. Supported by professionals (conductor, director and soloists), amateurs are confident. “We are really in the accompaniment”, testifies Pauline Dupont-Touma, soloist and choirmaster. “The most important thing is that everyone enjoys being there,” insists Jean-Paul Denizon, the director.

The troupe is on tour in June, then in the fall.

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