In the midst of the war in Ukraine, a supposed operation for Putin and a transfer of power that hits the mark

In February 2022, Vladimir Putin announced the invasion of Ukraine by his military troops to the chagrin of NATO. Despite criticism and sanctions, the politician refuses to back down. On April 6, 2022, Dmitry Peskov, his official spokesperson gave an exclusive interview to LCI. The opportunity for him to lift the veil on the terrible massacre of Boutcha. Facing the camera, he denied any involvement of Russian forces.

“We totally deny the idea that our military personnel could have been involved in such crimes (in particular those committed in Boutcha)”, explained Dmitry Peskov. For him, “the images, recordings and photos that you may have seen are the result of an orchestrated falsification”. “We are adamant that these satellite images need to be investigated very thoroughly,” he analyzed.

In recent weeks, Vladimir Putin has relied on discretion. At the same time, international media have assured that the companion of Alina Kabaeva would fight – to date – against the disease. Others claim that he would also suffer from “Parkinson’s disease and roid rage” caused by excessive use of steroids.

Vladimir Putin anticipates things

This Monday, May 2, 2022, the New York Post revealed that the head of state is temporarily transferring control of his government to Nikolai Patrushev to undergo an operation. The transfer of power would be orchestrated during his surgery. For several days, Vladimir Putin should therefore rest out of sight, according to a video from the Telegram channel. “General SVR” published last Saturday.

This source of information would be controlled “by a former Lieutenant General of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service known by the pseudonym of Viktor Mikhailovich”. It also specifies that Nikolai Patrushev will be in charge of Russia for “two or three days maximum”. To be continued…


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