In the midst of the controversy around vaccination, this unexpected support from Simon Castaldi which is unleashing Internet users!

There is definitely character in the Castaldi! Sometimes known for his somewhat volcanic temperament, Benjamin Castaldi seems to have transmitted this same ardor to Simon, one of his boys. Tuesday January 4, 2022, after Emmanuel Macron made remarks that the French had great difficulty in accepting, the son of Benjamin Castaldi, he agreed with the President of the Republic. On his Instagram account, the reality TV candidate said: ” About my life he’s right. We must stop being shocked for a sentence that any Frenchman could have said. You are all looking for the beast to crate, get vaccinated like everyone else and shut your mouths. When your mother, father, grandfather or grandmother is in the cemetery, it will be too late.

Faced with this position taken by Adixia’s companion, Internet users quickly reacted and did not spare him: “He has gained too much confidence since his big daron made him join the Marseillais”, a thus reacted an Instagram user. But that’s not all. Many messages of this kind were accumulating on the Web. Some are moreover much more radical. “He’s a rich little kid who deserves a good slap in his head.” And Mr. Macron is not ‘just any French’ he is the President of the Republic, he does not have to make such remarks. “

Simon Castaldi takes the floor to explain himself

Benjamin Castaldi’s son therefore spoke again to explain himself: “I need to come back to two, three things I said. When I spoke about what Macron said, it was not a question of the vaccine. I wanted to come back to Emmanuel Macron’s sentence which did not shock me. The guy can say that, he puts in place laws, he makes everyone understand that we have to be vaccinated… That he says that he “wants to piss off” people who go against it from him I can understand. It’s human. The guy has had a hard time. I don’t play politics. I am not a macronist.

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