in the midst of sexual intercourse, Kev Adams recounts in “What an era!” how an old conquest ruined everything!

Saturday February 18, Léa Salamé accompanied by Christophe Dechavanne and Philippe Caverivière received many guests, namely singer Clara Luciani, composer André Manoukian, host Julia Vignali and comedian Kev Adams. The young man presented his new show, Mirror with performances scheduled at the Dôme de Paris in April 2023, in which he literally strips naked.

After viewing a few excerpts from this show, the host asked her this question: “You started at 14, Christophe said you were a hit at 16/17, the girls wait for you at the end of the shows, like a rockstar, you’ve always had everything you want to have, when we’ve had it all too much early, do we end up at 31 without desire?asked the journalist.

“I don’t think we find ourselves without desire, but on the other hand we find ourselves uncomfortable”he began before continuing with an anecdote. “I once slept with a girl and she said to me in the middle of the act: ‘Stop, but when I go to tell my friends that I’m having sex with you, it’s crazy.

A little story that amused the audience as well as the whole table. “And me, it’s over, from that moment, impossible to harden…”he resumed before making fun of the permanent guest. “I was in Christophe Dechavanne…”

Soon on the small screen

Moreover, the great friend of Gad Elmaleh will be in the cast of the series@come on TF1. A fiction broadcast from Monday February 27, 2023, with two 52-minute episodes per evening (for a total of six episodes, note). He will give the reply to Natacha Lindinger, Guillaume de Tonquédec, Eric Elmosnino, Alice David, Marilyn Lima and Jérémie Dethelot.

See also: Kev Adams and Camille Lellouche booed from all sides after the release of their comedy on Netflix: their response is incredible!


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