in the midst of a scandal, Zulay, the wife of Paul Pogba comes out of silence

When nothing goes, we often discover that we can count our true allies on the fingers of one hand. An experience that is living one of the pillars of the Blues world champions in 2018, Paul Pogba. First sign of fate, barely arrived in his new club, Juventus of Turin, the player suffered a nasty injury, which will keep him away from the field for several weeks, when the World Cup will open in November in Qatar . But this twist of fate is nothing compared to the turmoil into which his brother Mathias plunged him. Because it was the latter who opened hostilities by publishing a video in which he promised to make sulphurous revelations about his younger brother and drag his reputation through the mud. The next day, the lawyers of the footballer and his agent counter-attacked, claiming that an investigation for attempted extortion was underway, led by the Central Office for the Fight against Organized Crime (OCLCO) and the Central Directorate of the judicial police (DCPJ). And during his testimony, the victim affirmed that the extortion had indeed taken place last March, when Paul had been taken by four hooded individuals, under the threat of assault rifles, in a house in the Paris suburbs. They then demanded that he pay them a sum of 13 million euros and their hostage got away with it by giving them 200,000 euros as a deposit. Worse still, Paul recognized his brother Mathias among his attackers!

In this troubled period, he knows he can always count on her.

It is easy to imagine his disarray, him whose reputation and career are the stakes of this fratricidal struggle. But, in this period of slump, he can always count on the unfailing support of his wife, Zulay, met in 2017. To celebrate the 2 years of their youngest son, Keyann Zaahid, little brother of Shakur, the young woman published two adorable shots of her cuddling their child, the first of which was taken at the maternity ward. There is no doubt that his dear and tender will have appreciated at its fair value this tender break in a world of brutes.


See also:

Paul Pogba’s wife missing!

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