in the midst of a bronchiolitis epidemic, more than 5,000 doctors alert Emmanuel Macron to the shortage of beds


Article written by

C. Méral, J. Wittenberg, S. Guillaumin, X. Roman, S. Lisnyj, L. Hauville – France 3

France Televisions

On Saturday October 22, 5,000 caregivers wrote an open letter to Emmanuel Macron to denounce the lack of bedsespecially in intensive care, and this, even in the major Parisian departments. A real problem in the midst of an epidemic of bronchiolitis.

Children who cough, breathe poorly, are sometimes transported to hospital and intensive care. A epidemic Bronchiolitis affects children, especially those under the age of two. But hospitals are under pressure. So, 5,800 pediatric caregivers sounded the alarm by writing an open letter to Emmanuel Macron. Among the signatories, a head of department at the Necker hospital (Paris) points to political responsibility.For them, it is obviously not a subject of interest”castigates Doctor Isabelle Desguerre.

However, Ihe bronchiolitis epidemic is no stronger than last year. But beds are closing in pediatrics, with on average 20% closing. The main cause is the lack of staff. The Minister of Health, François Braun, promises improvements.Everything is on the table, I’ve always said it, I have no taboos on these issues”did he declare.

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