in the middle of the Covid crisis, the former Minister of Health “thought of putting an end to it”!

Agnès Buzyn settles her accounts. The first Minister of Health to have had to face the Covid pandemic which began in December 2019 in the province of Wuhan in China, the politician did not deserve anything, but had to face numerous attacks regarding her management and to its decisions contested by all opposing camps. This Wednesday, September 27, 2023, the hematologist and speaker publishes her truths in Journal, January-June 2020 published by Flammarion. In nearly 500 pages, Agnès Buzyn exhumes the private conversations she exchanged with Head of State Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, and reveals the difficulties she went through during this historic crisis.

Ministry of Solidarity and Health until February 16, 2020, Agnès Buzyn, tired of being singled out by her detractors and regularly the victim of death threats, finally decided to submit her resignation to Édouard Philippe. Olivier Véran then succeeded him, until May 2022, before giving way to Brigitte Bourguignon, François Braun and finally Aurélien Rousseau. Her work, which she began a month after the end of her mission at Health, Agnès Buzyn reveals that she wrote it for a very simple reason: the fear of succumbing to this deadly virus, which frightened everyone at that time. -there.

”If I die…”

Also see: So we go out to Folie Douce!

On March 22, 2020, a week after the start of the first confinement, Agnès Buzyn wrote her memoirs, with the aim of passing them on to her children, if Covid were to prevail: ”I was afraid. If I die in 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, my children will never know what happened. They will only have an image of me from what they have heard on social networks and the media.’‘ An obsessive thought for the one who, at the end of her ministerial mission, returned to hospitals, coming to lend a hand to her colleagues at the Percy military hospital in Clamart, where Covid patients arrived by the hundreds every day. An agenda and fears such as, according to Paris Match, the hematologist would have thought ”to end it”.


Death threats continue

Three years after her departure from the Ministry of Health, Agnès Buzyn regrets having given in to the pressure of social networks and death threats: ”Leaving the Ministry of Health was the worst mistake of my life” confesses which, even today, finds itself confronted with countless threats. In this striking work, where she does not hesitate to single out Édouard Philippe and Emmanuel Macron, by disclosing telephone discussions without having consulted them in advance, the wife of the immunologist and IVH specialist revealed that she was still suffering death threats coming from ”the Didier Raoult movements and conspiracy theorists”: ”The motives do not change,” she concluded.

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