in the middle of the assembly, Aurélien Pradié skids and shocks … the deputy accused of homophobia

These are words that arouse indignation within the political class and within public opinion. So much so that the deputy of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) Sandrine Rousseau, asked that her colleague Aurélien Pradié (Les Républicains, LR) who is at the heart of this controversy, apologize and be sanctioned for “homophobia” which he would have shown Tuesday in the Hemicycle, during a speech on monkeypox.

According to the minutes of the session of the National Assembly, dated this Tuesday, August 2, 2022, in the middle of a session of questions to the government, Sandrine Rousseau raised the issue of monkey pox, a disease which mainly affects men who have sex with of men and explained that the name of the disease could cause patients to feel ashamed.

Aurélien Pradié reacted quickly and took the floor to launch: “It’s especially a shame for the monkeys!”, as revealed by the transcript of the session posted online by the Palais Bourbon. Shocked by these remarks, the deputy then made a point of order on behalf of “discipline, immunity and ethics”. Thus, during the final debate on the purchasing power bill on Wednesday, she also asked for “there to be a public apology and that the case be studied in the conference of presidents so that a sanction be taken for the manifest homophobia of this remark”.

For his part, Aurélien Pradié reacted to the accusations on Twitter and denies having tried to make a homophobic remark by assuring that he “would always fight against homophobia and all forms of discrimination”: “To imagine for a single second that I wanted to say such a thing is sickening. To those who may have believed it and been hurt, I say my deep sadness.” he asserted.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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