in the middle of an interview, Christiane Taubira knocks out a journalist from France Info

We must not answer on the side … A few days after winning the popular Primary, Christiane Taubira toured the media to discuss her candidacy for the Presidential. She was behind the microphone of France Info this Tuesday, February 1, to answer questions from Marc Fauvelle who wanted to get her out of her comfort zone. However, this one had to face a wall…

“When you started this campaign, you had a formula that has remained: “I will not be one more candidate”. Today, in fact, you are one more candidate”first noted the journalist before clarifying his remarks: “Nobody withdrew. Arithmetically, you are one more candidate on the left”. It was enough for the candidate on the left to jump at the chance:“Arithmetically, there is a democratic base…”. Marc Fauvelle, not letting go of his guest on the question, then retorted: “You are one more candidate”. To which Christiane Taubira replied quite bitterly: “Either your questions are actually a statement, or your questions allow me to answer”. The “debate” lasted for several minutes without either of them bending. Marc Fauvelle continuing by insisting that the candidate was one more “candidate”. “I am one more candidate for those who consider that a democratic process is worth absolutely nothing. That half a million people who register and vote is worth nothing at all. There are still voters of all political sensibilities. You have to look at the results of Mr. Jadot and Mr. Mélenchon. It shows that there were all sensibilities “defended Christiane Taubira.

Marc Fauvelle finding the parade again by answering him that they “were not volunteers to be candidates for this primary”. “Are you planning to do the whole show on what my competitors are planning to do?”, then retorted the politician. The straw for the journalist who dropped: “It’s the principle of an interview. It’s important to bring the contradictory. If you want to talk for twenty minutes, go ahead. In this case, I can leave the set”. In the end, the interview was still able to continue but the tension was palpable.


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